- FundyCons-Hurl: Don’t kid yourself that the Tea Party isn’t a socially fundamentalist: bit.ly/1cC6LRN
- Er, Maybe Not So Secretly-Chuck: Koch Brothers Secretly Funding Anti-Choice Movement.: bit.ly/16H0wXT
- Our Way Or Bust-Chuck: Iowa Religious Right Group Threatens Recall Campaign Against Judge In Abortion Rights Case bit.ly/1gumymo
- Must We Pray-Chuck? Atheist group sues California city for opening meetings with explicitly Christian invocations.bit.ly/HCSCpT
- Biggie Case-Chuck: Why the Supreme Court shouldn’t let town boards start meetings with prayer. slate.me/1b7yRxB
Christian Zionists/Hagee/EndTimes
- Now It’s The Dutch -Chuck: I ask, what business do EndTimes meddlers have in genuine Jewish pursuits? bit.ly/18VmDXl
- Rend Unto Caesar-Chuck: Jewish grps ought distance themselves fm his EndTImes,peace-subverting ways bit.ly/1c2XUDL
- Heckuva Job W Upchucks For End Times: W’s out to help ‘restore’ Israel & the Jews & bring about the second coming of Christ.”bit.ly/1becyGk
- At Long last-Chuck? Upstart Jewish Activists Push Aside Establishment Leaders .bit.ly/HJR3X2
- Rachel Gets it-Chuck: George W. Bush really was trying to bring about the end of the world. https://bit.ly/1aLgYd1
- John Hagee Or Former Israeli Security Chief-Chuck? Sez U.S. Iran Policy Is A Policy Of Wisdom bit.ly/1bhrSCc
- George H. W. Moon-Chuck: While we freak out about W fundraising/speaking for Messianic EndTimers, let’s not forget how tight Bush Sr. and Sun Myung Moon were back in the day. https://bit.ly/1bm73qM
- Fundies Outta Foreign Policy-Chuck! What business does End Timer Tony Perkins have meeting w/Israeli leaders at this critical time?
- Cloak It with Hip-Chuck: Meet the ‘Hip’ Christian Right-Wingers Trying to Make Conservative Christianity Look Cool for the Kids bit.ly/1742FPU
- Same Ole, Same Ole-Chuck: New Pope, Same Church cnn.it/1cIqVJM
- Ah Religion-Chuck: 10 Big Deal Things Even Traditional Christians Get Wrong: bit.ly/1bffe6O
- He’s Crude. He’s Irreverent. He’s right-Chuck:U.S. Christians have traded Christ’s values for philosophy of ‘F*ck off and die’ bit.ly/1bhrFis
- Money Begets Jeezus-Chuck: How the Unholy Alliance Between the Christian Right and Wall Street Is ‘Crucifying America’ bit.ly/17naMaj
- Flagrantly Flaunting Freedom-Chuck? Des Moines Public School team shares post-game prayers with a Des Moines Christian school. dmreg.co/1beQAVv
- Small Victory-Chuck: Boone, NC Schools decline ‘In God We Trust’ posters saying that they could be construed as a promotion of religion.bit.ly/HLWdB
- Why We Worry-Chuck: As long as a few rich conservative wackjobs & a handfull of uber-wealthy dominionists continue to fund Creationism, the US will continue to fall behind where science is concerned. And science is concerned with everything. https://bit.ly/16T8cGL
- David Barton Upchucks: 15 Things You Need To Know About David Barton, The Man Who Won’t Be Texas’s Next Senator https://bit.ly/1hHPBBM
- Faith & Freedom President Ralph Reed Spews: “Christie has ‘same principles’ as tea party” Hethinks Christie’s not a moderate? bit.ly/1742nbL
- Uh-Oh Spagetthi-O-Chuck: E.W. Jackson predicts ‘stunning victory’ because of ‘disenfranchised’ Christians. Oopsie. https://t.co/ubkP2WG1bq
- Guess They Didn’t Speak-Chuck: “Like the Founding Fathers, David Barton won’t “seek” office” unless Texans speak loud enough . . .bit.ly/1aIdJ2g
- Hail Satan-Chuck: Cuccinelli thinks his political opposition was made up of evil, devil-worshippers bit.ly/17Div4C
- Running For Jesus-Chuck: Cuccinelli got into politics to transform America’s pluralistic government & society into his version of Biblical Law. bit.ly/17Div4C
- NeoCon Speaks Truth-His Truth-Chuck: Gaffney: Registering More People 2 Vote Means ‘The End America As We Know It’ bit.ly/1aD8tAx
- Good, Better, Best-Chuck: Why Ken Cuccinelli Lost The Election bit.ly/1iLA4Pk
- No Moderate He-Chuck: “On the real, bedrock issues for modern conservatism — low taxes on the wealthy, cuts to public services and attacks on the workers who help provide them, and opposition to women’s reproductive health — Christie is about as conservative as they come.” https://bit.ly/1iN1u7m
- Praise Jesus-Chuck: God tells David Barton not to run for Senate. Barton says that though he believes itit would be a winnable race, “the time is just not right.” https://bit.ly/HJGvGo
- Of course-Chuck: The Right Thinks Anti-gay, Anti-choice Cuccinelli Wasn’t Conservative Enough bit.ly/1fkchGe
- Bry the Fish-Chuck: Cucinelli lost because he didn’t defend social conservativism?bit.ly/1cF6Ofr
Fifty Shades of Lies/Hypocrisy/Propaganda
- His Hypocrisy Is Showing-Chuck: Texas Religious RIght Leader Who Rejoiced Over Murder of Abortion Doc Admits Extramarital Affair-Steps Down.bit.ly/173YUtN
- Ewww-Chuck: Another family values religionist pervs up: bit.ly/18Votra
- Cruz-in For Jesus-Hurl: Cruz cheers de facto religious test for the GOP presidential campaign bit.ly/1hK6tbc
- Racist To The Core-Chuck: Pat Buchanan Invokes George Wallace To Bash ‘First Hustler’ Obama bit.ly/1861RVF
- Mandated by Jesus-Chuck: Cruz’s anti-statism is rooted in fundamentalist Christianity as the Religious Right accuses federal government of tyranny-saying it’s overstepped God-given authority bit.ly/1862AWD
- Oh Chuckie-Chuck: God Is Punishing America Through The Obama Presidency bit.ly/1guvM1U
- Hypocrisy On Tap-Chuck? What would Jesus brew? Churches turn to serving beer to attract young flocks nydn.us/1eq8nhq
- The Inmates Are Running The Asylum-Chuck: RightWingWatch Banned from YouTube After Anti-Gay Evangelical Complains About YouTube Comments bit.ly/17jTQBI
- In The World Of Persecution-Speak-Chuck: ‘Religious liberty’ is the next big front in the culture wars.” bit.ly/17V0Gfc
- Reason For Schaudenfreude-Chuck: Another ‘Biblical Patriarch’ bites the Family Values dust. bit.ly/17MI8ji
Fifty Shades Of Jesus F—ing Christ
- Are you F—ing Kidding Me-Chuck? Fundy W workin’ it for the Messianics? All in for the Second Coming and ENDTIMES! bit.ly/1fmKFAr
- Ya Think-Chuck? Messianic Jewish Group Stirs Controversy Announcing Bush as Speaker, Then Removes President from Event Page bit.ly/1gwP1rB
- Spew. Spew. Spew: A group led by a man who spent time in federal prison for trying to blow up a church showed up at several schools with graphic photos of aborted fetuses. bit.ly/HJPhFA
- Oy-Chuck! The Christian Right is winning in the race to control the levers of power.”bit.ly/17naMaj
- Locked And Loaded Hurl: “Short of violent revolution whch we hope to avoid civil disobedience must be employed before the nation goes under for the count.” bit.ly/17MILJJ
- Getting’ Dark And Nasty Out There-Chuckie: GOP Politician Tweets That Transgender People Should Go To Concentration Camps bit.ly/1ayWwGa
Fifty Shades of Loony
- Rafael Cruz Is Flaming Bonkers-Chuck: Evolution Is A Communist Lie, Gay Rights Endanger Children bit.ly/18Tj97Q
- Flaming Bonkers II: Rafael Cruz: Evolution Is A Communist Lie, Gay Rights Endanger Children bit.ly/18Tm54c
- Flaming Bonkers III: Evolution “is a tool to destroy loyalty to God” bit.ly/1a5t6Tp
- Flaming Bonkers IV: Likens July 4th 2 birth of Christ- Founding of America shared messianic purpose w/Christ’s mission on earth. bit.ly/1862AWD
- Call The Exorcist-Chuck: 1st POTUS isn’t American. Now FLOTUS Invites Demons Into The White House bit.ly/186ry8t
- Uncle Pat Hurls: Creationists turn against Robertson 4 saying Earth isn’t 6,000 yrs old bit.ly/178VXCK
- Don’t Deter Him None-Chuck: ‘Snake Salvation’ Star Pastor Andrew Hamblin to Appear in Court; Officials Seize Snakes From Church”It doesn’t bother me that they took the snakes because I can always get more snakes. There can always be more snakes that can be found. And that don’t deter me,”
- Bama Barf: Deviant & destructive LGBTs ‘need to go back to California or Vermont or wherever’ bit.ly/16Dn0cl
- Ain’t No Stopping a Zealot -Chuck: Congressmen join forces to keep ‘so help me God’ in Cadet Honor Oath bit.ly/1b5pvnA
- Biblical Law-Chuck? “This nation was built on the scriptures & then came the Constitution.” bit.ly/1aFt6vW
- Sneaky,Poopy,Whoring Vitter-Hurl: Vitter Seeks 2 Insert Anti-Choice Amendment Into Employment Non-Discrimination Act bit.ly/1cF6o99
- I Fly With Jesus-Chuck: Why listen to the Defense Secretary when Jesus is your commander? https://bit.ly/16E3rAG
- Praise Weinstein-Chuck: Thankfully Mikey never lets up: Billboard urges academy to drop ‘God’ language bit.ly/1iNdp52
- God’s My CO-Pilot-Chuck: Air Force Academy cadets are sent email saying if they didn’t say So Help Me God, their commissioning oath would not be legal huff.to/1aFvwuD
- Praiseworthy Praise-Chuck:Love him or hate him, Mikey Weinstein has a point. For nearly a decade, he’s been ranting about the pervasive fundamental Christian atmosphere at the Air Force Academy. He’s pointed out many such instances, and now here’s further proof. bit.ly/1bebVwv
- In Your Face-Mikey-Hurl: AFA trainer says he will talk/flaunt the constitution about faith. bit.ly/HLVPU4
Same Sex Issues
- Johnny Plays Hide and Seek-Chuckie: Once again, Boehner hides from a vote, this time on ENDA huff.to/HwmfZw
- Spew-Chuck: Gays Want Marriage Rights In Order To Gain Access To Children bit.ly/173YtQ1
- In Texas Of Course-Chuck: Teen says school suspended him for protesting anti-gay bullying by tearing pages from Bible. In Texas of course.bit.ly/1741Vdy
- Out With The Ziti-Chuck! Barilla Pasta Launches Massive Damage Control Effort To Be More LGBT Inclusive. bit.ly/1ec7LvL
- Race X Religion-Chuck:, IL African-American Religious Leaders Ramp Up Campaign Against Marriage Equality cbsloc.al/1efp92P
- Moving Right Along-Chuck: Meet the extreme Religious Right activists who will soon be hosting Marco Rubio. bit.ly/1cT3zx3
- The “Devil’s Decoy.” Say What-Chuck? Why Conservatives Are More Terrified of Sex Than Violence bit.ly/17DiJsq
- Damn But They’re Feeling Threatened-Chuck: Kansas school suspends 13-yr-old boy 4 wearing Vera Bradley purse. https://bit.ly/1cGpkEc
Supremes And Lower Courts
- Don’t Cue The Champagne Yet-Chuck: Supreme Court Dismisses Major Attack On Abortion Rights. This is mere political strategy. bit.ly/1b7AQlr
- Abusively Yours-Chuck: Family Sues New Jersey 4 Right 2 Put Child in Gay Conversion Therapy bit.ly/1fhpL5I
- LA TImes Concurs-Chuck: SCOTUS should rule that “it’s never permissable to open a government meeting with a prayer that invokes a single religion” lat.ms/1fhqSSF
- Cue the Citizens United of Jesus –Chuck: Can a corporation believe in God? bit.ly/1c2SPeo
- Breitbart Barfs: Conservative rag weighs in on why they think Kennedy will side with Christocrats, giving victory to God. bit.ly/HJOwMB
- Illinois House passes marriage equality bill 61-54! https://trib.in/1aDez4a
- For now: Judge suspends ban on Iowa day after abortion pill. yhoo.it/1iNqBXF