5-4-Heartbreak: Breaking: SCOTUS allowing TX to continue enforcing abortion restrictions that have led to more than 1/3 of clinics stopping abortions. https://abcn.ws/1fewZKs
Purple Is The New Blue-Chuck? Voter rejection of late-term abortion ban in New Mexico, a reliably purple state, spells trouble for the GOP. https://thebea.st/1bG5tid
Beyond Loony, Beyond Hate – Simply Insane!
Jesus Rapes-Chuck? Man charged in unspeakably brutal rape claims to ‘have Jesus on his side’ bit.ly/1eiWVBv
No Doubt A Church Goer-Chuck: North Carolina Republican Senate Candidate Worked For Neo-Confederate Group –bit.ly/1aUfCGY
Breach of Constitution-Chuck! Williamstown,KY Partners w/Answers in Genesis 2 Issue $62 Million in Securities 2 Help Noah’s Ark Replica Park https://bit.ly/HRJQno
Hot And Bothered Ham-Chuck: Ken, the ham-headed fool, is disturbed by certain biblical liberties “Hollywood” took with the film, Noah.bit.ly/1aqkeJ4
Uh-Oh Ham-Chuck: 4.4 billion-year-old meteorite found in the Sahara sheds light on infant Mars bit.ly/17NnR7C
Ham-Handed Narcissist Spews: Creationist Ham Rejects Idea tt Charity Can Earn Ted Turner’s Place in Heaven Since Ham is such a fine man himself bit.ly/1foAI8f
Public Schulz Rulz-Chuck: Washington, D.C.’s voucher experiment has failed. It’s time to admit that the forces driving this scheme are hatred of public education (and indeed government-sponsored programs generally), a desire to undermine church-state separation by propping up flagging Catholic schools and a data-proof belief among anti-government ideologues that a private system is always better than a public one. https://bit.ly/19zkkd1
Drip. Drip. Drip. Chuck: Schools accept ‘In God We Trust’ posters. bit.ly/1hSOiT8
Pulling The Plug-Chuck: Perkins & FRC up in arms when SC school pulls evangelical toy program.bit.ly/18M5LTW
Is Education Itself Abstinent-Chuck? Religious abstinence-only speakers are a serious problem in public high schools. bit.ly/18lw8ne
Crafty Spew: Hobby Lobby President Proposes Bible Elective in Oklahoma Public School bit.ly/1fZ2llV
Education For All-Chuck? Charter Schools Are Wrecking Public Education & that’s Before We even Begin Talking Vouchers. https://bit.ly/1dj23sq
Reality Bites-Chuck: Principal cut its ties to evangelical Christian charity admitting their position is ‘indefensible’ in church-state fight.bit.ly/1h5yDyu
They Might Be Coming To a School Near You-Chuck: 5 Christians Who Make Their Living Telling Kids Outrageous Lies About Sex
End Times/Hagee/Christian Zionism
Hagee Dancing The Hora-Chuck? Apocalyptic storm floods Sardinia. https://apne.ws/IelQuw
Like Taking CandyFrom A Baby-Chuck: SAGU 2 unveil $21 million Hagee Communications Center. Wonder how many widows & needy they bilked to build this repository of lies:. bit.ly/1cHaBEr
The Great Toy Bribe-Chuck: SC School Cancels Partnership w/Proselytizing Christian Charity bit.ly/1bzi8n7
Fifty Shades Of Hate
What Me Racist-Chuck? Tea Party activists at pro-coup rally featuring Confederate flag emblem insist they’re not racist bit.ly/18MITDM
Chilling-Chuck: And here’s how staggeringly much Allen West hates Muslims: bit.ly/1dVaZjQ
How Low Can They Go-Chuck? New WorldNetDaily Book Portrays George Zimmerman As A Right-Wing Hero bit.ly/I3ms6K
Bry’s Christian Nation Upchuck: Fischer fumes that Obama is a “Christophobic bigot” for reading Gettysburg Address that didn’t include “under God’: . . . even though it wasn’t in the original. bit.ly/1cGypII
Fifty Shades of Lies/Hypocrisy/Propaganda
A Monday Morning Scandal-Chuck: Nine pastors & priests arrested in massive international child porn bust.bit.ly/1f8JkQf
Macho Christ-Chuck: Boykin’s Jesus Is A Tough Guy – A Man’s Man’ – bit.ly/1f8KGup
White Bearded Crime-Chuck? Israeli Ex-Chief Rabbi Metzger arrested 4 diverting millions of shekels. https://bit.ly/1jg6FwW
Nowhere In The Bible-Chuck: Nowhere in the Bible does Jesus demand we accept him into our hearts as our personal Lord & Savior.bit.ly/1h0mtH9
Sigh-Chuck: Corruption and hypocrisy: It’s in all the power structures of all faiths:
Flock Fleecing-Hurl: Aiding delegitimization of Israel’s conversion system,Chief Rabbi’s arrest casts harsh light on rabbinate. bit.ly/18MfQQO
According To Them-Chuck: Biblical Justification 2 Keep Immigrants Out of US: bit.ly/1aUh63W
Lying’s A Sin-Chuck: Article in Christian Post outright lies: Bush DID appear at Messianic Jewish fundraiser.bit.ly/18rJRZI
Delusional Heavers: 5 Christian Right Delusions and Lies About History
Cursed-Chuck: Palin: God ‘blessed’ with me a platform on Fox News to defend myself bit.ly/1i6ZWdq
Fifty Shades Of Loony
Pleading Insanity-Chuck: Ain’t no longer a fight for snake handling- it’s a fight for freedom of insane religion. An’ I do it withcopperheads and boas. Pastor Pleads Not Guilty-Continues 2Handle Snakes bit.ly/1bzhR3i
Cuppa Joe-Chuck? Drinking Starbucks Is Like Committing Treason Against God. bit.ly/1aqljRc
Thou Shalt Not-Chuck!: Aabama State Rep. proposed an amendment to the state’s constitution on Monday that would allow public schools and other state properties to display the Ten Commandments. ‘Our country wasn’t founded on the Koran!’ https://bit.ly/HXEhUx
Because Devastating Events Are Almost Always Caused By Gays-Chuck: Conservative Catholic group links tornadoes in Illinois to state’s new gay marriage law bit.ly/1h1hF4m
MED Check-Chuck: “Right Wing Hallucinations with Pat Robertson!” bit.ly/1bG6JBR
Say what-Chuck? The Obama-Soros Conspiracy To Nuke America And Kill 300 Million People Exposed! bit.ly/1aUhH5M
Falwell’s Guns-Chuck: Student Shot & Killed At Liberty University,one of the few universities 2 allow(encourage) student carry.bit.ly/1aqpr3y
Jesus Packs-Chuck? This kid was troubled whether or not he “loved the Lord” Another example of too many guns in too many hands. bit.ly/1aUgkEf
Legislators And Their Legislation
Michelle Still Upchucking Away: ‘Treasonous’ Obama Wants Iran 2 Have A Nuclear Bomb bit.ly/I1JrPB
Another Blow To The “Family Values” Crowd-Chuck: Wingnut Freshman Rep. Trey Radel Arrested For Coke in D.C. https://bit.ly/1fed3Hs
Worrisome Hurl: Blueprints for Capitol renovation include plans for chapel. bit.ly/18nKmUz
Uses Jesus To Justify-Chuck:Paul Ryan last week at the Heritage forum: “You cure poverty eye to eye, soul to soul,” he said last week at the Heritage forum. “Spiritual redemption: That’s what saves people.” https://bit.ly/17oUfAC
He Turns The Other Cheek-Chuck: No, Paul Ryan, You Cannot Fight Poverty With Religion. bit.ly/1bV0cXG
A Road Too Far-Chuck? Kenneth Copeland & sidekick David Barton think war-related PTSD is result of demonic possession. https://bit.ly/HVDHqc
The Fox Is Counseling The Hens-Chuck? Air Force Academy has `ex-gay` cure advocate overseeing cadet counseling.bit.ly/17J7ARb
A Question Of Character-Chuck: MRFF Calls on Air Force Academy to immediately fire fundamentalist Christian who claimed to “cure” homosexuality. tinyurl.com/USAFAexGay
Boggles The Mind-Chuck: Here’s how much Christers hate gays: Oklahoma Drops National Guard Benefits For All Couples To Avoid Serving Same-Sex Couples bit.ly/1bOzPma
Disappointing As Hell-Chuck: And oh so wrong: Air Force Academy won’t discipline trainer who pledge
USAFA Upchucks Big-Chuck: Gay Cadet Lashes Out At Air Force Press Release Claiming Gays Are Welcome”If I and the many other cadets I know who are LGB came out it would be devastating for our cadet and future Air Force careers,” https://huff.to/1fo45HH
Rachel’s On It-Chuck! Maddow: Why is a quack ‘ex-gay therapist’ on staff at the U.S. Air Force Academy? bit.ly/1cIfzRg
Same Sex Issues
When religion Does Bad-Chuck: Methodist pastor found guilty at church trial for officiating at gay son’s wedding wapo.st/1h0rJuk
Bry-The-Fish Hurls-Chuck: Bryan Fischer sides with Liz Cheney because her sister Mary is an “intolerant lesbian bigot”: bit.ly/1jkgXvU
And That’s Religion-Chuck: Minister convicted by peers for presiding at his son’s same-sex wedding sez he’ll never be silent again yhoo.it/18nJYpd Calls his church ‘evil’ after fellow pastor convicted for gay wedding bit.ly/1b8qEhS
You’re Dead To Me-Chuck: Methodist pastor has 30 days to renounce his gay children or be defrocked bit.ly/18bmsxu
He Actually Did It-Chuck:.Sheesh! Cathl bishop performs ‘exorcism’ w/armed officers over Illinois same sex marriage. bit.ly/1bG6xm1
Will Indy Go Gay-Chuck? GOP ponders tweak in same-sex marriage ban https://indy.st/1c1wTRo
Supremes And Lower Courts
Bad Time For Libs-Chuck: “The single most important fact to understand about the Federalist Society — indeed, about the conservative legal movement in general — is that it once viewed the Supreme Court as its greatest enemy, but the Roberts Court is now the best friend it has in the American government.” https://bit.ly/1irjerz
False Flagging-Chuck: “I suspect prayer isn’t the real issue in Greece v Galloway; the real issue is establishing faith as the superior view for all Americans. bit.ly/1e4qMNz
So Sayeth Breitbart-Chuck: SCOTUS suggests they’re likely to take up TX case requiring clinics 2 have hosp admitting privileges. https://bit.ly/1bPpYfN
Women’s Issues
How They Really Feel-Chuck: Wives who aren’t subservient to husbands are preaching ‘false gospel,’ Southern Baptist official warns bit.ly/17PhtSJ
When religion is good:
Links 2 religious organizations mobilizing on climate change bit.ly/18M3jww
Repent ye sinner, ye great sinner: Blackwater Founder Erik Prince: War on Terror Has Become Too Big thebea.st/1bAAWSS
Score 1 4 the good guys:OH Supreme Court Is Right 2 Uphold Firing Of Public School Teacher Who Promoted Creationism, bit.ly/1aqgtDt
After nationwide outrage, nearly $7,000 in taxpayer money will no longer go to the religious organization Child Evangelism Fellowship. .bit.ly/18nHtDa
BREAKING NEWS: Science Education Wins in Texas!fb.me/3iAgtdpxB
Judge strikes down clergy tax-free housing money wapo.st/1bfdmAl