Abortion, Contraception And Other Women’s Issues
- #WhippedOut Texas House Proposal Would Force People to Carry to Term Non-Viable Fetuses
- #Drip: Florida Republicans Pass Forced Waiting Period Bill in Party-Line Vote
- #Drip North Carolina Republicans Pass 72-Hour Waiting Period Bill
- #Taliban A woman in an abusive relationship who then miscarries could be prosecuted under Colorado’s bill
- #TheMatterWithKansas Kansas Official Seeks Legal Defense Funds for Anti-Choice Law Amid Budget Crisis
- #HonoringBristol Meanwhile, Congress Quietly Increases Funding for Abstinence-Only Programs
- #WhereTheresAWill This Virginia city aims to shut down its only abortion clinic by zoning it out of existence
- #Drip SC Personhood Amendment Introduced in SC Senate
- #Drip GOP House measure would block local DC abortion rights law
- #CrimsonTide Alabama House Holds Hearings on Trio of Anti-Choice Bills
- #BodyHeat Think the ‘Personhood’ Issue Is Over? Think Again. By Kathleen Turner
- #BringingBackHomesForUnwedMothers Oklahoma Lawmaker: 72-Hour Waiting Period Necessary Because Clinics Don’t Provide Abortion ‘Facts’
- #ElectionsMatter If IL Governor Rauner gets his way, up to 14,000 women with breast or cervical cancer won’t get screened next year
- #ChoosingDumb “School choice” movement hijacks racial justice rhetoric to undermine public education
- #LineCrossed Public School Wins The Battle To Keep ‘In God We Trust’ Marquee
- #LarninHate KKK Praised in Text used in State-Funded Christian Schools
- #BringBackHomesOfShame Colorado Republicans Refuse To Fund Award-Winning IUD Program That Reduced Teen Births
- #OyVey Conservatives Spend Millions Proselytizing School Children
- #Busted CA. teacher banned from using Bill Nye/Ken Ham evolution debate to sneak creationism into classroom
Fifty Shades Of Hate
- #IfItAIntOnePatItsAnotherPat Buchanan Pens Exclusive for Anti-Semitic Publication
- #OhMy Georgia pastor has a message for the gay community: ‘Homosexuality is a death worthy crime’
Fifty Shades Of Propaganda, Hypocrisy And Other Such Lies
- #FundiePantsOnFire Tony Perkins Just Lies On ‘Face The Nation,’ Insists He Never Called For SCOTUS Impeachment
- #PukinsPukin Tony Perkins says equality will make it legal for girls “to marry their biological fathers.”
- #Sigh Scott Walker plugs a Jesus devotional book, and sales skyrocket
- #ThouShaltMurder Arizona pastor predicts ‘AIDS-free Christmas’ if all gays are killed, as God commands
- #GamesLiarsPlay Atheist mom gets death threats over school Bible complaints — but Christians claim they’re the victims
Fifty Shades Of Stark Raving Mad
- #CampConversion Pat Robertson: God Can ‘Straighten Out’ Your Gay Daughter At Summer Camp
- #BecauseHeadship Pat Robertson: Forgive Husband’s Gay Affair Unless He’s A ‘Habitual Homosexual’
- #Certifiable Kenneth Copeland announces that God is raising the dead back to life in his church foyer Oh yeah, and he’s like Osama Bin Laden but in a good way.
If Media’s The Message
- #AtheistPrezHah Fox priest: ‘Hard to trust’ an atheist president because they don’t fear eternal damnation
- #PoliticallyEvil This anti-gay movie is true evil: What are Rand Paul and Mike Huckabee doing in the vile “documentary” “Light Wins”?
- #OrwellSpeak Josh Duggar: Christians who aren’t allowed to discriminate against gays are victims of discrimination
- #SameOldSaw Laura Ingraham: After same-sex marriage comes legalized polyamory, incest
- #HoistedOnHisOwnPetard Religious Right activists are outraged that Bob Schieffer of CBS dared to note that the Family Research Council’s Tony Perkins is the head of an anti-gay hate group.
- #GlobalWarming Obama ‘Flooding America With Muslims’ To Create One-World Government
Israel, End Times And Hagee
- #MessianicCrusaders In Israel’s army, more officers are now religious. What that means.
- #VerrryScarrrry Bibi’s new government: A narrow, right-wing and ultra-Orthodox government with a solid majority of 67 Knesset members, hence its nickname: “the 67 government.” This does not refer to the ’67 border lines, but to the 67 Knesset members of the coalition from which this government will be assembled. Most of these Knesset members do not recognize the two-state solution and the 1967 lines; while these are viewed by the global community as the basis for all negotiations vis-à-vis the Palestinians, these Knesset members view them as fictitious.
- #MessianicApartheid Israeli Jewish Home MK says that advocating for two-state solution is treason
- #WeCanHope Could Support for LGBTQ Rights Disrupt the Coalition of Jews and Evangelical Christian Zionists?
- #HorrificallyHagee Pastor John Hagee: ‘Nasty’ Welfare Recipients Don’t Deserve To Live
- #EndTimesLucre As of 2013, Hagee’s declared net worth was 5 million
Politics Nation
- #AllAboutTheBase GOP candidates dial up evangelical fears at Iowa forum
- #HisOwnMan Jebya Backs Defunding Planned Parenthood
- #PitchingTheBase Marco Rubio Tells Iowa Christians the Wrong People Are in Charge of the Government
- #TalkAboutTheConstitution Mat Staver Expects Every Presidential Candidate To Pledge To Disobey Any Pro-Marriage Equality Ruling From SCOTUS
- #LaBabsTrials LaBarbera names names among GOP candidates
- #WalkeringToTheBase Walker Repeats Support For Federal Marriage Amendment, Dodges Personhood Question
- #SittingCongressman GOP Rep. Bill Flores Links Baltimore Riots To Gay Marriage
- #HellIsReal Huckabee To Latino Evangelicals: ‘I Don’t Speak Spanish… But I Do Speak Jesus’
- #BelieveItOrNot Clinton camp likely to downplay religious outreach
Religion Gone Bad Gone Mad
- #FranklyPuking Franklin Graham: Don’t persecute Christians. Save that for Muslims.
- #PurposeDrivenFundie Rick Warren travels extensively as part of his dominionist agenda, spreading his dangerous right-wing ideologies wherever he goes by developing close relationships with government leaders, business leaders, and religious leaders, including many prominent anti-LGBTQ pastors
- #RealLiveSciFi Rick Wiles Warns Of ‘Fireball From Space’ If Supreme Court Strikes Down Gay Marriage Bans
- #PreacherHate The Religious Right has seduced millions of Americans with titillating hatred and lies
- #InTheNameOfLife Raped 10-Year-Old Denied Abortion-Thus denying this child of any real life of her own. NOT ‘prolife’
Same Sex Issues
- #Whoopsie Gay Businessman Who Hosted Ted Cruz Event Apologizes
- #MethinksPornoDothProtestTooMuch Peter LaBarbera: Marriage equality is “one of the true evils of the homosexual activist movement”
- #WDPPWhatDoesPornoPrey Peter LaBarbera prays that “national hero” Roy Moore will “create a constitutional crisis”
- #DiscriminatingForGod Lesbian couple fired from Christian daycare for ‘living a life of sin’
- #ItsAPuzzlementDC Lawyer Planning Daughter’s Same-Sex Wedding Also Hosting A Cruz Fundraiser
- #FuggedaboutDaConstitution Huckajesus: ‘SCOTUS Can’t Overrule God’ on Gay Marriage
- #HeHathIssues Gay consultant quits, citing Columbia councilman’s ‘preoccupation’ with her sexuality
- #11thCommandment? Pastor Defends Homophobic Billboard: ‘I See A Homosexual Just Like A Murderer’
Sausage Makers And Their Sausage
- #KlinkKlankKlunk Wedding Photographers Should Print ‘Worthy Of Death’ On Gay Couple’s Photos, Former Navy Chaplain/CO State Rep Says
- #BookBurner Kansas GOP Senator Mary Pilcher-Cook Wants To Criminalize “Harmful” Books
- #HereWeGoAgain Republicans Slammed for Invitation to Anti-Islam Dutch Politician
- #GetTheeToAMonkery Jindal: ‘The Single Most Important Moment In My Life Is the Moment I Found Jesus Christ.’
- #BratBarf Rep. Dave Brat Claims ISIS Has Set Up Camp In Texas
Scandals – Or Worse
- #FlatScreenBribe Ex-Creflo Dollar Church Member Claims Preacher Gave Away 2 Flat Screen TVs in Church After Jet Debacle, Perhaps Out of ‘Guilt’
- #ReligionBackedAbuse A Minnesota man has settled a lawsuit with St. John’s Abbey that will force the release of personnel files for 19 monks accused of sexually abusing minors.
- #Exposed Anti-Gay GOP Lawmaker Outed After Sending Explicit Photo To Another Man
- #HappyValleysAintSoHappy Pastor Mike Sperou denies sexually abusing children in his Happy Valley church
- #LosersAll New Website Highlights Businesses That Don’t Want To Serve Gay People
- #LordsFavoriteMartian Creflo Dollar, the pastor who asked followers to buy him a new $65 million aircraft blames the devil for losing the old one—and says he may need a spaceship to evangelize on Mars.
- #CantEatBibles Nepal quake: Missionaries send bibles as relief and not food and water
- #TragicallyYours Top female Episcopal bishop defrocked four months after her DUI arrest in bicyclist’s death
Science – Or Not
- #KochBacked Climate Liars Going To Rome To Try To Change Pope’s Mind
- #SuckItHamHead Setting evolution aside, even basic geology disproves creationism
- #PlanetaryDisaster NASA Pushes Back Against Proposal To Slash Climate Budget
- #MalificentOilDudes Oil Industry Allies Paint Pope As Bad Catholic For Acting On Climate Change
Supremes And Lower Courts
- #SayWhat? Religious Lawyer Argues Marriage Equality Will Increase Abortions
- #ImpeachTheBastard Justice Scalia: Protestor who threatened gay marriage supporters with hell was “refreshing”
- #LongOverdue Obama’s Lawyer: Religious Institutions May Lose Tax-Exempt Status If Court Rules for Gay Marriage
Theocracy Rising
- #DobbyDooDoo Dobson: Religious Right Figure Claims Marriage Equality Will Spark ‘Civil War’
- #ShiversDownMySpine Michigan state lawmakers Cindy Gamrat, Gary Glenn, and Todd Courser are openly theocratic, regularly expressing their desire and their intention to bring their religion into government, using their personal interpretation of the Bible to make laws and policy in our state. But the three of them have a mentor in this effort: 7th District Congressman Tim Walberg. A former Baptist minister and Bible salesman, Walberg has always been an opponent of the idea of separation of church and state.
- #HaveAtIt Oklahoma Republican threatens to light himself on fire at courthouse to protest abortion rulings
- #BecauseJesus No menorahs at Hobby Lobby
- #FairAndBalanced FOX host: “We will not obey’: Christian leaders threaten civil disobedience if Supreme Court legalizes gay marriage
- #InJesus’Name Jeb’s Faith-Based Prisons Were More Like “Work Camps”
- #TheocracyRizen Republican Religious Fanatics Pose A Much Bigger Threat To Our Country Than ISIS
- Pope Francis Steps Up Campaign on Climate Change, to Conservatives’ Alarm
- CA high school’s science teacher’s creationism discussion violated standards, officials say
- “Michele Bachmann actually predicted I would bring about the biblical end of days,” Obama said. “Now that’s a legacy — that’s big. I mean, Lincoln, Washington — they didn’t do that.”
- Montana Governor Vetoes Telemedicine Abortion Ban
- Church Of England Divests From Coal And Tar Sands, Citing ‘Moral Responsibility’
- D.C. Reproductive Health Bill Survives Despite House Vote to Overrule It