Abortion, Contraception And Other Women’s Issues
- Half-A-Burp: More than ½ of US women live in states hostile or extremely hostile to abortion
- Elections Matter Chuckles: As Republicans Win Fights Against Abortion Rights, They Just Want To Go Further
- What Once Was, Is, Chuck: Abortion Clinic Harassers ‘Emboldened’ by Wave of Anti-Choice Laws
- Puke It Down A Step Further: Ohio bill would ban abortion after Down syndrome diagnosis.
- Cactile Dysfunction: Arizona Lawmakers Seek Ban on Insurance Coverage for Abortion Care
- MRS In Upchuck: Women Need To Be Paid Less So They Can Find Husbands
- Swftly Spewing: 20-Week Abortion Ban Moves Through South Carolina House
- Atten-Hurl! Rep. Speier, Sen. Shaheen Reintroduce Bill To End Contraception Copays for Military Women
- Upside The Head-Chuck: Proposed Abortion Regulations Could Hurt GOP in Moderate Colorado Districts
All Things LGBT
- Boom Huck-A-Chucka-Chucka: Mike Huckabee and a passel of pastors star in hilariously over-dramatic trailer for anti-gay film
- Pat Le Puke: Pat Robertson tells dad who found a “gay magazine” in his son’s room that “so-called gay people” were likely molested
- Come On Out, The Upchuck’s Fine: Alabama’s Largest Newspaper Asks: ‘Is Roy Moore A Closeted Homosexual?’
- Parody Puke: Anti-LGBT pastor rants against ‘Adam and Steve’ in wild sermon straight out of 1987
- Down ‘Bama Way Where The Upchuck Flows: Alabama minister arrested for attempting to perform same-sex marriage inside probate judge’s office.
- The Lies They Spew: Conservatives Seize On Hugely Flawed Study About Same-Sex Parents
- The Vomit They Keep: Klan group issues “Call to arms in Alabama” over marriage ruling
- Burp-Chuck: Some Ala. Judges Still Resist Marriage Equality
- Walk-ing In Ka-Ka: Scott Walker Heightens Attack On Public Education
- Do You Know What It Means To Upchuck In New Orleans? New Orleans’ Nearly All-Charter School System Is Struggling, But Bobby Jindal Wants It To Be A Model
- Shall We Hurl? Because of abstinence teaching, Elizabeth Smart felt unworthy of being freed.
- ABC’s Of Hate-Puke: Dragging Public Schools into the Abortion Wars
- Perky Puke: Tony Perkins warns marriage rulings will end credibility of courts, throw US “into a tailspin”
- Fundie Is As Fundie Pukes: The Christian fundamentalism behind Ron Paul’s home-schooling curriculum
- Peachy Puke: Georgia public school teachers humiliate kids for not praying to ‘God our Father’: lawsuit
- Know Me As Thine Puker: Texas teen fighting legal ID hurdles because of parents’ homeschooling Christian ways
- Turkish Hurl: Turkish parents complain of push towards religious schools
- I Didn’t Make It Up-Chuck: Dinosaurs lack ‘family values’
Fifty Shades Of Hate
- Where Will It End Chuck?? Man arrested after fatally shooting three Muslim students at the University of North Carolina
- Blehhhhhhh: Southern Baptist college fires VP who reported president’s racist words: ‘They n***** f*cked
- Upchucking Through Their Teeth: Will Obama seize office for a third term so he can convert Americans to Islam? Family Research Council to investigate
- Smells Like Vomit: This preacher’s twisted anti-gay rant to an Alabama city council is both vile and absurd
Fifty Shades Of Lying Propaganda
- Frank-ly Upchuckable: Franklin Graham to President Obama: Jesus Lived for Peace, Mohammed Killed Innocent People
- You Can See Russia From Her Toilet: Sarah Palin uses phony story about Bible-hating teacher to warn against Christian persecution
- Historic Upchuck: Sorry, fundamentalist Christians, but President Obama’s right. The Crusades were indeed very bad.
- Huck-A-Hurl: Huckajesus: Muslims Are The Only Group To Have Obama’s ‘Undying’ Support
- It’s All About The Lie, About The Lie, About The Lie – Chuck: Pundits and politicians decrying ISIS’s barbarity might wanna take a closer look at American history
Fifty Shades Of Stark Raving Mad
- Hurl-A-Pat: Pat Robertson: Gay Magazines Will ‘Confuse’ Your Kids Into Being ‘So-called Gay People’
- Tis The Young Uns Who Pay Chuck: Parents Reportedly Throwing ‘Measles Parties’ To Infect Their Unvaccinated Kids
If Media’s The Message
- Since When, Upchuckers? Fox’s Hoenig: Mandatory Vaccinations Could Lead To ‘Forced Abortion’
- Vomit Atop Vomit: Fox’s Bolling: Zero People Have Been Killed In The Name Of Any Religion But Islam
- Atop Vomit: More #FOX mumbo jumbo: Tucker Carlson: ‘Christianity Is The Reason We Don’t Have Slavery In The World Today’
- And The Band Barfs On: On #Breitbart: OBAMA RIPS BIBLE, PRAISES KORAN
- A Star Is Upchucked: Star Parker: Obama’s Prayer Breakfast Speech Was ‘Verbal Rape’
- Election Thief-InChief Hurls: Bill O’Reilly Brings Extremists In To Defend Extremists
- Hurley-Hurley, Pukey-Pukey: In a first for Hollywood, William Morris Entertainment has signed global megachurch Hillsong to its client roster.
Israel, End Times And John Hagee
- Toilet Talk: Dennis Prager Says Everyone On The AFA’s Israel Trip Is Repulsed By Bryan Fischer’s ‘Repugnant’ Views . But they went.
- Vomit Loves Spew: PFAW Calls Out RNC For Partnering With The American Family Association
- Inciting Upchuck: Iran Nuke Deal Will ‘Unleash Hell on the Mideast,’ End Timer Sen. Lindsey Graham Warns (pssst -it’s what he wants)
- Oozing Puke: ‘Four Blood Moons’ Book by Pastor John Hagee Gets Big-Screen Treatment; Docu-Drama to Feature Expert Commentary From Dinesh D’Souza, Dennis Prager and David Barton
- Scammery Alert For Upchuckers: Waiting for the end, survivalist has doomsday store
- You Betcha, Chuck: Obama: ‘Real differences’ with Netanyahu over Iran
- Vomit At The End Of The Tunnel: End Times Prophecies Point to Threat from Iran, Christian Apologist Tells Greg Laurie
- Smelly Shelley: Sheldon Adelson, Netanyahu’s “de facto primary money backer” plans backlash against Bibi’s critics.
- Crawling In Upchuck: Jeffress: Gays Ushering In The Antichrist, ‘Fifty Shades Of Grey’ A Sign Of The End Times
- Pressuring Puke: ECI wants to put Hillary on the spot. ECI Urges Hillary Clinton to Attend Israeli PM Speech to Congress
- Deep-Six The Junket Chunket: When gay rights trample racial justice: Why the NYC Council should cancel its Israel junket
- Smiteable Spew: Netanyahu’s Cossack-inspired election slogan: ‘Smite the leftists and save Israel!
- The PAC’s A Pukin’”:AIPAC Is The Biggest Casualty of Feud Over Netanyahu’s Speech
- Hip, Hip, Hurl: Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore: I Have ‘Many Friends Who Are Homosexual’
- Say. What. Chuck: John Hagee: God Will Destroy America Because Of How Obama Treats Netanyahu
- Puking Over More Than A Boozy Night: CUFI fuels end times thinking at college level
- Adel-Puke And More: Over 90% of Netanyahu’s Campaign Contributions Come From The US
- Tasting Vomit: Senators Cruz, Cornyn & Kirk Launch Counterattack on Obama Anti-Israel Campaign
- The Power Of Puke: CUFI action alert on Netanyahu speech surpasses 10,000 responses in 5 hours
- Atten-Hurl: Air Force Promotes Ministry that Forces Poor to be Evangelized to Receive Medical Care
Politics Nation
- Barf Becomes Him: Netanyahu to give speech to Congress as planned
- Maleficently Malodorous: Southern Poverty Law Center Puts Wannabe Prez Ben Carson on Its ‘Extremist Watch List’
- Vomit Rising: Jeb Bush was the key player in the Terry Schiavo fiasco. Michael Schiavo hasn’t forgiven him.
- Punting The Puke-Ball: Governor Walker says he will “punt” on question of whether he believes in evolution “Thats not a question a politician should be involved in”
- Frothy Spew; Rick Santorum: ‘Sexual Activity’ Rights Encroaching On Religious Rights
- Walk The Spew: Scott Walker’s Latest Budget Hijinks All About That 2016 Base
- Jindal Jerk-Off: Bobby Jindal not exactly getting the international cred he was hoping for. London Mayor: Bobby Jindal’s Muslim ‘No-Go Zones’ Are ‘Complete Nonsense’
Religion Gone Bad
- Revisionist Regurgitae: RWNJ’s Foolish, Historically Illiterate, Incredible Response to Obama’s Prayer Breakfast Speech
- They Swear To Upchuck: Inside the bizarre, paranoid world of the right-wing oath keepers
- Mega-Hurl: Do you know how many megachurches are in your state?
- Spew Me A River: Obama, the National Prayer Breakfast, and the Tortured Truth of Christian History
- ‘Pass The Barf Bags: You are married to the Lord and your daddy is your boyfriend’: Purity balls, in which girls ‘gift their virginity’ to their fathers until marriage, sweeping America
- And So They Spew: How Conservatives Are Pushing Liberals Out Of Christianity
- Hurling By The Side Of The Road: Vaccine Skeptics Game The System With ‘Religious Exemptions’
- Repression Can’t Keep it Down. San Francisco Archbishop’s 21st Century Culture War Crusade Is All About the Sex
- Frank-ly Upchucking: Franklin Graham Points to Jezebel Scriptures to Describe America
- Fundamentally Nauseating: Despite Wingnut Freakout, Obama Is Right: Christian Violence Is Just as Bad as Muslim Violence-If anything, the president understated the case.
Sausage Makers And Their Sausage
- Off The Charts Chuck! Rape can be Beautiful when a Child is Born
- Unconstitutionally Revolting: Klingenschmitt backs effort to recruit 1,000 pastors to run for office & “take back America for the Kingdom of God
- Er, Missed The Toilet: ‘Lawyers for Fetuses’ hits Texas
- Upchucketh The Woman Without A Brain: Joni Ernst: Vaccines Should Be Outlawed As They “Manipulate Brains,” Make People More Liberal
- Brown-Back Indeed: Kansas GOP Governor Ends LGBT Protection
- Projectile Bobby: Bobby Jindal either has not read or is lying about the Constitution
- Cruz-in’ In Slime: Ted Cruz submits bill to block federal marriage benefits to same-sex couples in red states
- Titan-ic Puke: Tennessee State Rep Is The Latest Republican To Attempt To Make The Bible The Official State Book
- And The Children Vomit: Tim Huelskamp (R-KS) wants Congress to pass a sweeping gay marriage ban … for the children
- Salmon Colored (W)Retch: Matt Salmon, R-Ariz.says Obama doesn’t want to defeat ISIS because he is afraid of upsetting Iran
- Razor-Back Hurl: Arkansas’ governor will allow a bill forbidding cities from passing anti-LGBT discrimination ordinances to become law
- Pukin’ Down Under: Decades of Yeshiva Rapes Shock Aussies
- Biblically Psychotic Belch: West Virginia teen claims it was God who led her to kill 68-year-old pastor
- Ewwwww-Chuck! Mikveh-Peep Rabbi Barry Freundel Secretly Videotaped at Least 150 Women, Prosecutors Say
Supremes And Lower Courts
- Upside Down And Puking: Christian Group Fires Woman Over Her Bad Marriage, But Court Says She Can’t Sue
- Defiant Doo-Doo: Over Half of Alabama Counties Defy Feds by Blocking Gay Marriage
- Pacers Puke: Indiana Convicts Its First Pregnant Person of ‘Feticide’
- His Lust Is Showing Chuck: Alabama Chief Justice: Gay Marriage Leads to Fathers Marrying Daughters
- Sheer Vomit: The company he keeps: Ku Klux Klan takes a stand with Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore
- Dickless Womp: For Roy Moore, “the divine law fundamentalists derive from the Hebrew scriptures was incorporated into the U.S. Constitution by the Founders and by definition cannot be legitimately modified by human hands”
Theocracy Rising
- Separation Of Church And Spew? Church/State Breakfast: ‘You’re Going to Hell If You Don’t Know Jesus,’ NASCAR’s Darrell Waltrip Says at Nat’l Prayer B’fast
- Vomit Rising: Huckajesus just said everything Obama does ‘is against what Christians stand for.
- Can’t Keep It In: Montana Pol Pushes Bill That Would Make It Illegal to Wear Yoga Pants in Public
- Give Us A Zero Chuck: How Extremist Christians score each states’ Congressional reps. Fascinating.
- Mega-Ka-Ka: More than one in ten Protestant churchgoers attend megachurches
- Let The Christian Olympics Hurl: 2016: The year of the Baptist minister: “Every one of the Baptist GOP candidates for president is bad news for a compassionate, peaceloving, environment friendly society. And people thought the fundamentalist/dominionist takeover of the Southern Baptist Convention was just an isolated preacher fight.”
And Finally, What We Live For . . .
- Kerry to appoint gay diplomat for overseas LGBT advocacy
- Supreme Court Refuses To Stop Gay Marriages In Alabama
- SCOTUS Just Gave Its Clearest Sign To Date That It Will Side With Marriage Equality
- Pope Francis: A Christian Who Does Not Protect Creation “Does Not Care About the Work of God”
- Bankrupt in intellectual honesty, America’s Largest Christian Bookstore Chain Files for Bankruptcy
- Legislation to protect LGBT students reintroduced in Congress
- Fed Judge in AL orders the probate judge in Mobile to issue marriage licenses to same sex couples
- Another Appeals Court Rejects Challenge to Birth Control Benefit
- If Texas couples succeed in fresh legal motion, same-sex marriages could begin in Texas soon.
- This court ruling could mean the end of gay conversion
- Satanic Temple Victory Could Mean Big Things For The Separation Of Church And State
- Jon Stewart made it okay to be ambivalent about Israel
Questionable As Antidote
Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia: ‘Don’t Paint Me As Anti-Gay’