Abortion, Contraception And Other Women’s Issues
- #WhyElectionsMatter House Republicans Planning Vote on Pro-Life Bill to Ban Abortions After 20 Weeks
- #WhenReligionTrumpsAll Pharmacist Refuses to Fill Prescription for Miscarriage Patient
- #Razorbacked Arkansas Legislature’s Anti-Choice Bill Spree ‘Absolutely Devastating’ for Women for Obama
- #BuckeyeStealth Ohio Bill Uses Faux Disability Rights Language to Erode Choice
- #DenudingRoe Newest abortion bans may be the most dangerous yet.
- #RazorbackedII Arkansas has passed more anti-choice laws in 2015 than any other state, including Texas
- #NilSineNumine Coloradans aren’t all sitting around getting high: The Perfect Storm May Be Brewing In CO To Pass ‘Personhood’ Law
- #Much’sTheMatterWithKansas Kansas ‘Ground Zero’ in ‘War To Criminalize All Abortions’
- #IfItAintBrokeBreakIt Colorado GOP Works to Kill Successful Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program
- #TheWagesOfComplacency Anti-Choicers Are Going to Take Away Second-Trimester Abortion Without Much Notice
- #Nazarene.NeedWeSayMore? Pro-Evolution Tenured Professor Laid Off From Nazarene University. Faculty protests.
- #MadrassaMama GOP Committeewoman: Muslim, Wiccan Statehouse Prayers Show Need For Christianity In Public Schools
- #DoWhatBristolDid? Alaska Bill Restricts Sexual Health Education in Schools
- #EducatingBozo “Bible Man” leads students in Bible readings, sets up “baby Jesus” displays at school, preaches in sermons that “Jesus died on the cross for our sins,” and distributes religious literature.
Fifty Shades Of Barking Mad
- #ReadyForTheLoonyBin Pat Robertson: child of a woman who once had an abortion may fear that she will “kill me later on”
- #NotTheOnion St. Louis Archbishop Says He Didn’t Know It Was Illegal For Priests To Have Sex With Kids
Fifty Shades Of Hate
- #ReligionPorn Right-wing rabbi: ‘Effeminate’ liberals are sexually attracted to ‘the masculine strength and brutality of Islam’
- #InsideAHatersMind Neo-Nazi: I Hate Gay People ‘With A Passion’ And I’ve Killed Others
- #ReligionKilz Migrants killed in ‘religious clash’ on Mediterranean boat
- #CactileDysfunction Arizona Hate Preacher Who Tells Women They Deserve Rape Is Harassing Mosque-Goers
Fifty Shades of Lying Propaganda
- #DoMuchHarm Pro-life MDs Back New Abortion Pill Reversal Process
- #ChristerSpew Jindal: Christians are assaulted and victimized by Hollywood and Corporate America
If Media’s The Message
- #WashHisMouthOutWIthLye Religious Right Pundit: “Hitlery” Clinton Too Ugly To Be President
- #AttractedToHillary? Sandy Rios suggests Hillary Clinton is a lesbian who deliberately excluded white straight couples in launch video
- #ExecrableFroth FRC & Santorum’s movie co. suggest Gay Marriage Violates Separation Of Church And State. Movie features Huckajesus.
Israel, End Times And John Hagee
- #CallingJohnHagee Philo-Semitism and anti-Semitism can look awfully similar.
Politics Nation
- #MayHisCampaignRestInPeace Rick Santorum calls President Obama a “nig” “
- #PaintHimMalleable Here’s what we know about Marco Rubio’s faith of many colors
- #PanderParty Bush burnishes his religious right bona fides by recalling his full fanatic act during the Terri Schiavo fiasco.
- #MaybeNotSoMaleable Bombshell: Marco Rubio’s Miami Church: Exorcisms, Creationism, Anti-Gay Policies
- #OnThe1stDayGodCreatedMontana Billionaire Tech CEO & Bible-Thumping Creationist Laying Groundwork for Montana Gubernatorial Run
- #SeparateNotEqual Iowa GOP official says Christians should enjoy special rights: ‘There’s only one true God’
- #PanderMuch? Next up at Liberty University: Jeb Bush
- President of Susan B Anthony, a major anti-abortion group, says Rubio is ‘true believer’
- #PoliticalZionism Anti-Gay Hate Group Will Bring Fox News, GOP Hopefuls On A Trip To Israel
- #HawksTheLoogie Huckajesus Goes On Insane Rant: I Will Call Down Fire From Heaven If I Have To
- #Cruz-YPoop Ted Cruz Asks Pastors To Preach And Pray Against Gay Marriage Ahead Of SCOTUS Arguments
- #NoneDareCallThemDeathPanels Jeb Bush Proposes Requiring Medicare End-of-Life Directives
- #Huckavomit “I don’t think anybody should enter into a decision that is this monumental… without a lot of prayer.” Huckajesus to announce plans concerning potential White House bid on May 5 in his hometown of Hope, Arkansas.
- #ThereWillBeBlood Leading Republicans differ over armed ‘insurrection’ Ted Cruz is actively recruiting an army of preacher politicians in Oklahoma.
Religion Gone Mad Gone Bad
- #WhenJesusKilz We need laws to stop snake-oil salesmen preying on vulnerable Christian Scientists gain right to put their children at risk
- #IrrelevanCrazyEyes Michele Bachmann: The End Times Are Here, Thanks Obama!
- #Murder1 Texas church members accused of starving ‘demon-possessed’ toddler and then trying to resurrect him
- #IsraeliTaliban Israeli ultra-Orthodox site cuts Kim Kardashian from photo
- #USSReligion ‘Christian Taliban’s’ crusade on Ukraine’s front lines
- #ExtraterrestrialOrNot Secrets of the Scientologists: Why people do horrible things for belief
- #ForTheLoveOfChrist Atheist mom: Death threats from angry Christians helped kill my faith
- #AVeryGoodMan Jimmy Carter: Religion is the Cause of Horrific Abuse of Girls and Women All Over the World
Same Sex Issues
- #LastDitch Two More Anti-LGBT Bills Get Hearings This Week
- #ThereWillBeBlood U.S. Catholic bishops back Obama on Iran, warn Congress against meddling
- #DesperatelyDateless Conservatives Regroup on Religious-Freedom Bills
- #NoRealFix Anti-LGBT discrimination is still legal throughout most of Indiana.
- #LogCabinBlues The Big Tent: Conservative group bars GOP gay organization from event
- #BoycottThisDude Michigan auto repair shop owner rants on Facebook: No service for gays ‘in the name of freedom’
- #WhereYat? Louisiana goes for broke with discrimination bill
- #HatersGonnaHate The Fight for LGBT Equality is Not Over Coming soon to a state near you?
Sausage Makers And Their Sausage
- #SwampScum Jindal Says ‘Far Left’ Weakening 1st Amendment, Demands Lawmakers Pass ‘Religious Freedom’ Bill
- #LoveTheFetusHateTheWoman GOP Response to Nightmarish Attack on Pregnant Women: ‘Personhood’ Legislation
- #TalesFromTheHeartland Governor Defends School`s Decision to Fire Teacher for Being Gay
- #WhyMidtermsMatter Senators renew abortion battle
- #WhackAMoleLooks like the GOP is determined to shoehorn abortion bans into every bill it passes
- #ScamminThePoor Pastor charged thousands to disabled man’s credit cards
- #EwwwwChuck Another day, another sex-abusing ‘family values’ pastor. Sex abuse trial begins of ‘cult-like’ church pastor, with parade of accusers to testify
- #Murder1 A two-year old child is dead after being starved by a church in Texas.
- #KeepingItClassy Christian family band members in deadly parking lot brawl
Supremes And Lower Courts
- #1stAmendmentBuster Hobby Lobby Part II Is Barreling Towards The Supreme Court
Theocracy Rising
- #TitanicBlunder A Tennessee bill to make the Bible the state book is unconstitutional but some lawmakers won’t back down
- #Frank-lyRecruitingGrand Hater Franklin Graham will “travel to all 50. States in 2016 to rally Xtians to vote & run for office.”
- #AllAboutTheBase Conservative Leaders Plan Two Secret Meetings Aimed at Picking a Good Christer Candidate
- #StateElectionsMatter Tennessee House votes Bible as official state book
- #SpewingLarge ADF is the country’s best-funded and most powerful right-wing Christian group working against what the organization calls the “myth of the so-called ‘separation of church and state.'”
- #ChristianNationist U.S. Congressman Gregg Harper (R-MISS) suggested his hopes that the sight of a mammoth cross will convince legions of hellhound passerby to turn over their lives to Christ.
- #WhatsTheMatterWithOklahoma? Oklahoma attorney general wants private citizens to distribute religious literature in schools
- #AdulterersWelcome? The 10 Commandments sit outside The Hotel Elegante in Dallas– a Religious Right owned facility
- North Dakota coffee shop bans lawmakers opposing gay rights bill
- Canadian Supreme Court rules against prayer at city council meetings
- How Christians Turned Against Gay Conversion Therapy
- Tennessee Senate shelves bill that would name Bible as state book
- Indiana poll: Mike Pence’s ratings drop after ‘religious freedom’ law
- We can hope.
- Two Overlooked Indiana Outcomes that Could Haunt the Christian Right
- California Bill Would Require Crisis Pregnancy Centers to Discuss Abortion Options
- Oopsie. Homophobic repair shop gets destroyed by Yelp reviewers
- Cummins asks anti-gay repair shop to stop using its logo
- Action taken against AZ church for alleged cult behavior and exploiting vulnerable students
· Fox’s John Stossel smacks O’Reilly over Christian victimhood claims: ‘You’re just a 10-foot-tall crybaby’