- Clearly Channeling Censorship-Chuck: Clear Channel Pulls Ads for Comprehensive Wichita Women’s Health Clinic, Claiming They Are “Indecent” https://bit.ly/17Pn2w5
- Inside a Crisis Pregnancy Center-Chuck: Women are asked, “why are you giving yourself up sexually?” https://thebea.st/14ecuK2
- Motorcycle Trash-Chuck: Governor McCrory’s has signed #SB353 (the omnibus abortion bill shoved into a motorcycle safety bill) into law.
- Condescending As Hell-Chuck: Rather than agree to meet with pro-choicers, N. C. Governor Pat McCrory offers a plate of cookies to protesters saying, “ ‘These are for you. God bless you, God bless you, God bless you” https://bit.ly/17TnCJd
- Do End Times Believers Care About Climate Change-Chuck? With 40% believing Jesus is coming back, Is there any incentive to preserve and protect the environment for future generations? Many who are concerned about the environment—including prominent figures like Al Gore, E.O. Wilson, and Bill Moyers—argue that for such believers the answer is no. https://bit.ly/17YEum5
Education – Or Not
- The Stupids Step On Themselves-Chuck: Conservative Christian group blames falling SAT scores on lack of school prayer. Could it be faux science & history Or maybe it’s the faux science and history they’re teaching? Or the lack of thinking skills? Submission to the Bible? I wonder . . . https://bit.ly/15pzCBS
- Boom . . .Ball State prez: Intelligent design not science
- Boiling the Frog-Chuck: This happened back in March – I missed it. Mississippi Tells Public Schools to Develop Policies Allowing Prayers
- https://nyti.ms/12Xi3cU
- Boiling Frog II-Chuck: South Carolina lawmakers introduced legislation to allow prayer during a mandatory min of silence at the start of the school day. https://nyti.ms/12Xi3cU
- Frog III-Chuck Last year, Florida approved a bill to allow students to read inspirational messages at assemblies & sporting events. https://nyti.ms/12Xi3cU
- Frog IV-Chuck: In Missouri, voters in 2012 approved a constitutional amendment that gives residents the right to “pray and acknowledge God voluntarily in their schools,” and in Virginia this year, State Senator Bill Stanley has introduced a similar amendment. https://nyti.ms/12Xi3cU
- Profitably Biblical Hurl: The national push for school voucher programs has been linked to ALEC – a transformation of public education from an institution that serves the public into one that serves religionists and private for-profit interests. https://bit.ly/145tpOA
- De-Education- Spew: Wanted: Young Creation Scientists: You have to read this to believe it. https://bit.ly/13boX9K
- What Happens In Texas-Chuck: Alarm Bells Are Ringing: Creationists Get Influential Positions in Texas Science Textbook Review https://bit.ly/16Aw8eW
- Over In Kentuck-Chuck: Dominionists rebel – “Outsiders are telling public school families that we must follow the rich man’s elitist religion of evolution, that we no longer have what the Kentucky Constitution says is the right to worship almighty God . . .Instead, this fascist method teaches that our children are the property of the state.” https://bit.ly/13iVRFA
- Krikey. This Is For Real-Chuck: Wanted: Young Creation Scientists. Psst. . . to get into the best schools there are, don’t tell them you’re a Creationist. https://bit.ly/13boX9K
- Crossing the Line-Chuck: Delaware’s Cape Henlopen School District Board of Education president, Spencer Brittingham made it clear he intends their Bible Literacy to be a religious class, to provide students with moral guidance. https://bit.ly/1cogYyl
- Bad News-Chuck: A court ruling forces the Buena Park School District (CA) to change district policy to clarify that religious nonprofit organizations that promote youth and school activities, like Child Evangelism Fellowship(CEF) will be permitted to use district facilities. CEF sponsors the Good News Clubs, after-school meetings for youth that include lessons from the Bible,, memorization of Bible verses, stories about missionaries, etc. https://bit.ly/13AteDZ
- If It Ain’t Religion,It’s Greed-Chuck: Florida Education Chief Resigns After Fixing Charter School Grades for GOP Donor https://bit.ly/13EQ6Cr
- Dr. Beck, I Presume-Chuck?Glenn Beck Provides A History Lesson To Reza Aslan. I forget, from where did Glenn get his many PhD’s? https://bit.ly/17VRXHf
- Why Was Creationist Texas Ed Board Chair Barbara Cargill Interfering with the Science Textbook Reviews? https://bit.ly/1ctEeLi
- Party of God-Chuck: “You can’t be a Christian and a Democrat at the same time,” Virginia’s GOP candidate for lieutenant governor says.https://bit.ly/16Juyri
Gay Rights
- One Step Forward-Chuck: Tho still a sin, the Pope says gays must not be judged or marginalized. It’s a start. https://yhoo.it/15qLGmz
- Two Steps Back-Chuck: Anti-LGBT Cardinal Dolan: Pope didn’t actually mean to change policy on gay priests. https://bit.ly/18Pep9u
- How Would He Know-Chuck? David Barton: Gay Activists Don’t Want Equality, They Want To Be Dominant. https://bit.ly/1605xYG
- It’s My Party and I’ll Cry If I Want To-Chuck: Fewer Than Ten People Show Up For Ex-Gay Pride Event That Expected to Draw ‘Thousands!https://bit.ly/19y06FE
- Because No Catholics Are Gay-Chuck: Conservative Catholic sez Gay Marriage One of the Most Bizarre Ideas in History https://bit.ly/15ca11I
- Hagee Spew: John Hagee really said this: Rock Music Is ‘Satanic Cyanide’ That Should Be Taken Outside And Burned https://bit.ly/18L8b7d
- Son of Hagee-Spew: Hagee: ‘People Who Are Educated Cannot Look At Two Men Married And Say That That’s Right’. Matt, there are many kinds of intelligence, none of which you have. https://bit.ly/1eeqO3W
- Messianic-Spew: There stand to be important political consequences to AIPAC’s bridge-building with evangelical Christians who embrace Messianic Judaism. https://bit.ly/1b5BKlF
Legislators and Their Legislation
- Klan-Like-Chuck: Congressman Steve Stockman has teamed up with individuals and organizations known to be White Supremacists. https://bit.ly/16frxRi
- Bring It On-Chuck: Theocratic politician called Allah A ‘False God,’ in a video from 2011. Warns Of A Muslim Immigrant ‘Population Jihad.’ For whatever hateful reason, Travis County GOP tweets it out today. https://bit.ly/18JJiIX
The Loons, Their Lies & Hypocrisy and Mega Churchery
- Heaven or Hell-Chuck? Evangelist and Escape Artist to be Thrown from Plane in Locked Box. He of great faith better hope Jesus really saves. https://bit.ly/13ToBZN
- ‘Doin’ The Dirty- Chuck: Pat Robertson: Gay people will destroy the church and military for approval of ‘the way they do sex.’ How do you ‘do’ sex, Uncle Pat. Ooh. Never mind. Don’t tell! https://bit.ly/1bCz1CR
- No Words-Chuck: Despicable Glenn Beck Displays Hitler’s Blood Next to Anne Frank’s Diary https://bit.ly/16v7lZL
- Tie Me Up, Tie Me Down-Chuck: Seattle’s hip Mars Hill Megachurch Pastor tells women they must submit. https://exm.nr/15S4zRB
- American Tragedy-Chuck: As I so often say, there is a dark place where religion meets your rights. This time, it was with deadly consequences. Where was this young man’s God yesterday? https://bit.ly/152o4XB
- Leapin’ Lauren-Spew: Fox Reporter Lauren Green’s Double Standard On Reza Aslan And Islam. Her starting point is biased for Christ. https://bit.ly/14e8by9
- Matt Staver Needs Schoolin-Chuck: “[T]he clause of the Constitution” covering “freedom of religion” was intended to necessarily preclude “an establishment of a particular form of Christianity through the United States.” Uh,no. https://bit.ly/16fGuTJ
- Wow-Chuck: Bryan Fischer joins the right-wing smear campaign against Huma Abedin, for supposedly being an agent of the Muslim Brotherhood intent on destroying America. https://bit.ly/1578Alo
- Grower Bigger To Serve You-Chuck: Mark Driscoll of the ‘woman must submit’ Mars Hill Church to launch in Phoenix. Sigh. https://bit.ly/13vdWjG
- Too Much Homeland-Chuck: Noted Islamophobe sez Gaffney: ‘Abedin Was Brilliantly Placed to Run Islamist Influence Operations for Sixteen https://bit.ly/1ckVZMD
- How Whacked Out Is This-Chuck? Atheist Chaplains Would Encourage Soldiers To Kill Themselves https://bit.ly/18RPxht
- Anyone for Deep-Dish-Chuck? Illinois mega-church to welcome 170,000 to their conference. https://bit.ly/18MHyyJ
- Hey Chuck, how do you spell T-A-L-I-B-A-N in Hebrew? Ultra-Orthodox protesters shatter bus windows after female passenger refuses to sit in back https://bit.ly/12F4OPE
- LOL, then vomit-Chuck: Trump: I’m A Great Christian Who’s Angry the Unemployed ‘Get Better Benefits’ than People with Jobs https://bit.ly/142S43w
- Theo-Chuck: Theocracy anyone? Tony Perkins: ‘It’d be a lot simpler if we operated on the Ten Commandments’ rather than civil law https://bit.ly/1cf7JSx
- What-Chuck?? “By Definition, Only Homosexual Priests Would … Molest Boys” – Well, yes as long as they’re also pedophiles. https://bit.ly/16nc8i3
- Cruz Missile-Chuck: Another Ted Cruz outright lie: “We’ve seen reports from the military of men and women in the military being told if you share your faith, if you tell someone the love of Jesus Christ you face court martial . . . Ted Cruz:The military has no business whatsoever telling the men and women of the military not to share their faith https://bit.ly/19tzTrY
- There they go again: screaming religious persecution over their proselytization. Vile, simply vile. https://bit.ly/1c88zjQ
- Wrong Kind of Currency-Chuck: The myth of religious persecution in the armed forces is gaining currency. https://bit.ly/13mt1Fn
- Lions and Tigers And Bears-Chuck: Top Pentagon Official Sez Playboy, Penthouse Are Allowed on Military Bases and the Christers Go Crazy. https://bit.ly/18Nm6JP
- Red Stick Upchuck: Baton Rouge sheriff’s office targets gay men under unconstitutional ‘crimes against nature’ law. https://bit.ly/16d3wdM
Supremes and Other Courts
- Supreme Bias-Hurl: Sounds good at first glance but this increases the odds that the likelihood that our activist Supremes will examine this issue.
- Pleasure-Seeking Clerics-Chuck: Huge court win for gay churchies: Judge Rules That Catholic Church Has Constitutional Right Not To Compensate Victims Of Sex Abuse. https://bit.ly/17iNZGg
- Archbishop Desmond Tutu: I’d choose Hell over a homophobic Heaven https://bit.ly/15U5FsH
- Reza Aslan Hits No. 1 on Amazon. FOX Interview: Priceless https://bit.ly/11qkwvh
- New Hampshire lawmaker duped by satirical post on bestiality outbreak https://bit.ly/18Lc4sF
- Judge Rules Against 10 Churches Seeking Cross Display on Ind. Waterfront Property https://bit.ly/1bPgymK