I needed no outline to write the novel, Being Christian. A combination of on-the-ground and television research, internet searches and the daily unraveling of secular society set me on a path to expose today’s worse-than-Elmer-Gantrys and to do it through a plot bursting with the kinds of sex, lies and cold, calculating intrigue we have come to expect from the Ted Haggards and Jimmy Swaggarts of the world.
Because of the political and social staying power of this neo-Christian phenomenon, I ask that you educate yourself on a large, well-funded movement, one that has no intention of going away, one that poses an enormous threat to our democracy.
Learn what really takes place behind mega-church doors. The choice is yours – take a racy romp through the fictional Being Christian – A Novel or educate yourself through the excellent non-fiction that’s out there today. You owe it to yourself; you owe it to your children.
Real Life Truths:
According to a 2012 Gallup poll, 46% of Americans believe in Creationism.
34% of Americans are Born-Again.
Fantasy trumps science and history, particularly when it comes to education.
Global warming is a hoax. So is gravity. And Evolution. The words ‘climate change’ make jowls quiver and hearts quicken as planetary destruction points to end-of-the-world scenarios.
Rape prevents pregnancy and the best women stay at home, homeschooling their unplanned-for broods and pleasuring their husbands with far better sex than do heathen gals. As for sex, better keep it hetero or you’ll find yourself whisked off to a program that prays the gay away. Love the sinner, hate the sin.
According to John Hagee, the Christian Zionist who has successfully wed Middle East foreign policy to the Book of Revelation, to be Muslim is to have a scriptural mandate to kill Christians and Jews.
There really is a church named The Church of the Unholy Inhale and the gravity/global warming/evolution disbeliever, Senator James Inhofe, hearts its pastor, Gus Hornsby.
Like the drip, drip, drip of a pesky leak, pastors continue to sin and fall at a constant pace all the while preaching the need for other peoples’ sexual and material purity. Repressed adulterous desires, same-sex attraction and simple greed seem to out these culture warriors on a regular basis.
According to the disreputable Breitbart.com, the number of homeschooled children has increased by 75% since 1999 with the number of homeschooled children growing seven times faster than the number of children enrolling in public school.